Archive for the 'Thank you' Category


Friday, April 12th, 2013

T G I F Yesterday was my Friday, and I celebrated by having what we call a “mommy juice box.”  Ever had one of those?  I have a drink maybe once a year.  But recently work’s been a little…I’ll say challenging….so when I got home last night, I imbibed. And today I’m off.  I’ll be […]


Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

Happy Halfway-There Day! It’s been a busy and crazy week…but not too bad.  I haven’t made anything recently, but I did some serious cleaning and organizing and donating of all my craft stuff.  So this weekend me and my patterned paper are gonna get reacquainted 😉 Up today is a simple little thank-you card that […]


Thursday, February 21st, 2013

Hey y’all! Goin’ country here on the ol’ blog today.  You know what I just realized?  The last card that I posted, and this one here, I actually mailed them out to a couple of little online chicas.  I had a massive stockpile of cards that I’ve made, and shipped off a big ol’ box […]


Wednesday, October 10th, 2012

Happy Halfway-There Day! I’ve got a lil’ thank-you card to share today.  This one was published in the July issue of CARDs magazine – and I just love it.  That big vintage button bauble thingy reminds me of my Yaya’s fancy clip-on earrings from way back in the day.  I used to get those from […]

Sending a big Thank You.

Friday, September 21st, 2012

T to the G to the I to the F.  Word. This day is going to be horrendous.  We were at the Boise State/BYU game last night and didn’t get home until midnight.  I wake up at 4am during the work week.  Yeah, not today.  My hair is only half curled.  My eyes are burning.  […]