Adventures in Couponing – a typical day.

Posted by Michelle on January 16th, 2011 . Filed under: Couponing .

I thought you might like to come along with me on one of my Adventures. 
To enjoy my trek in thriftiness right along side me.  Are you ready?  Let’s roll.

First stop is Wags (Walgreens).  Where I bought all that Sinex that I showed you the week before last
$21.20 for (4) boxes of Sinex.


I used (4) $4-off coupons which took off $16 and made my total $5.20. 
I paid the $5.20.  Note my coupons in the cashier’s hand.


After I paid, my $10 Register Reward printed.  This is a manufacturer’s coupon for $10 that you can use for everything except for like booze and smokes and lottery tickets.  Speaking of smokes – notice the cigarettes behind her are all stocked upside-down?  What is that about…anyone?


I did this several times as I was netting $4.80 on the deal – (5) boxes of Sinex for free and then making $4.80.  Then because the Register Rewards are manufacturer’s coupons, I can use them at the Walmart: our next stop.  I took other coupons there too.  Like this 75-cents off any Sensodyne toothpaste one.  And bought the trial size one for 97-cents which makes it 22-cents for me and a great little toothpaste to keep in the trailer.  Any time a coupon says “on any…” – be sure and check your trial sizes as you can often score things super cheap if not free, and sometimes you make money on the deal.  Also notice that I am showing you an internet printable coupon that I got from


This is my total before coupons.


And this is my total after coupons.  I cut my bill down over half.  This is without doublers by the way.  I know not everyone has doublers in their area like we have here, but isn’t cutting your grocery bill in half still a good thing?


Here’s what I got for that $35.59 – (4) things of meat which I have to admit this was my first time buying meat at the Walmart because I’m kind of a snob that way, but I mean it has to meet government standards and everything so it can’t be like bad, right?  I bought discounted meat too – we always shopped the discounted meat when I was a kid and I still do that today.  The original price on the (4) meats was $34.  So essentially for what it would have cost me for the meat alone, I got the meat plus everything else you see here.  The little tubs of Country Crock were a fun find.  The coupon is for “any” Shedd’s Spread Country Crock and these little guys are Shedd’s Spread Country Crock honey butter.  They were $1.12 each and I had a few coupons for $1-off and some for 60-cents off – – this is regular ol’ non-doubled coupons…still a score.  I got some Christmas clearance stuff….little puzzles for 25-cents each, ribbon for 50-cents each, that pink hair spray was on clearance for 10-cents…my daughter is going to love that in her Valentine bucket!  The Excedrins were free as I registered online when Excedrin was giving these away every day – thought I’d just get one but I got one for every time I went back and I still have them coming in!


After the Walmart I headed over to Target to see how they were coming along on their Christmas clearance.  90% off.  I can dig it.  Now that I look at this picture though I am bummed that I didn’t get those big kraft bags – always need bigger bags like that and I’m not sure why I didn’t snatch ’em up.


I like these big colorful tubes of ornaments – shatterproof;  50-cents each.  And remember the Christmas party we had for the soccer team?  This year I’ll be filling up these pink stockings I scored for 10-cents each!  A Christmas shirt for my daughter for next year was 69-cents.  And then some ornaments to top gifts for 20-cents each and some ornament sets for my mom for 80-cents each.


So that’s how I do it.  This was what I did on a Friday morning while I was off work last week.  It’s fun.  Like a hobby, entertainment even, and it serves a greater purpose for my family.
What about you – have you scored any after-Christmas deals?  I’d love to hear about it. 
I’m all about the deal as you know 😉

Speaking of great deals.  I can’t believe I’m doing this…I just really cannot believe that I am doing this.


But do you see that there ad?  That there ad shows that Rite Aid is giving away (2) kinds of toilet paper and facial tissue.  Starting today.  Giving it away.  You buy (1) pack for $1 and they will give you back $1.  You buy (10) packs and they will give you back $10.  Repeat.  Go to another store and do it all over again.  Stock yourself up for years – LOL  My husband and I are brand-loyal to our toilet paper.  However the kids?  They could care less.  They aren’t old enough to know any different.  And half the time the toilet paper in their bathroom is in the tub, in the sink, in the toilet…the entire roll, yeah.  So I am not spending a fortune on their little-butt paper.  Anyway, y’all might remember this post where I said, and I quote:  …Rite Aid sucks.  But when I got wind of this deal last night, I called a family meeting and we decided to head on down to the Rite Aid this morning and stand in line at the door before it opens and go and score us some free toilet paper and kleenex. 
It’s either going to be a hot score, or a hot mess – LOL 
I’ll update you on this one tomorrow along with my crafty post.


7 Responses to Adventures in Couponing – a typical day.

  1. Nancy L.

    i got a couple of things at walmart about 2 weeks ago. some ornaments like yours for .25, some puzzles and pencils for my daughter’s class dirt cheap. Extension cords for less than $2 (reg $6). These last couple of days we found really cute notebooks and folders for $1 and .50. Lunchboxes for $2 and a couple of other supplies at Walmart. Thanks for sharing your cuponing adventures 🙂

  2. Leigh Ann bairad

    I am picky about my toilet paper too! LOL I have a friend who buys the cheapest tp possible because “you’re just wiping your butt with it.” and I said, “Yeah, but I don’t like wiping my butt with typing paper.” I was in Sam’s Club once and saw how cheap their toilet paper was compared to Charmin and thought about trying it out but was afraid it would be sucky. I saw a couple putting it in their cart and I said, “Excuse me. Is that toilet paper any good?” They looked at me and laughed and said, “Uh, yes, it is good.” Then I realized that is kind of a strange question to ask a stranger. LOL

  3. Heather

    I think you need to turn Adventures in Couponing into a weekly show. You’d be getting paid on top of all the money you save – you actually wouldn’t need to use coupons anymore. LOL

  4. Lea Lawson

    That is pretty awesome, Michelle! I am not an extreme couponer by any means, but I am trying to save more on items that we use all the time. I got a great deal today at Walgreens! They had a coupon in their ad making Dove deodorant $1.99 each, and then I had 2 coupons from for $1.50 off 2. The limit was 4…so I got all 4 for $1.24 each…and they are normally over $4 each where I live. Both my DH and I use Dove deodorant…so this was a great deal.

    I also got a deal on Dayquil & Nyquil at Walgreens. They had them on sale for $5 each, plus $10 in register rewards if you purchased $20 worth. Today’s P&G coupon book also had $1.50 off both Dayquil & Nyquil products. After coupons and register rewards…the bottles ended up being $1 each. I may go back and get more…got to talk to my hubby first. We are extremely loyal to Vick’s when it comes to cold relief, and they don’t expire for over a year. {Brand name Vick’s price in my neck of the woods ranges from $5.50-$7.50 a bottle.}

    There are also buy 1 Febreze fabric freshener, get 1 Febreze air effects free in the the P&G coupon book today. Target has Febreze fabric freshener on sale for $2.99 today…normally $5.99 in my neck of the woods. So, I purchased 2 of the fabric fresheners for $5.98 total, got two bottles of air effects (Normally $3+ here) free….each item ended up being $1.50.

    We are super picky about toilet paper brand too….but I did get $4 off the largest package of it at Target today….$3 in instant savings, and $1 via coupon. For being brand loyal…that is pretty good savings. I also got a pair of the CUTEST ballet flats on sale for 75% off at Target…they ended up being $4.98. Oh- I also had some $1.00 off Febreze candles coupons (from P&G coupons this week), and Target had a bunch of the cranberry smelling ones from the Christmas collection on clearance for $2.74. If you pull them out of their Febreze packaging, they look beautiful and make a great addition to a birthday gift. And I got them for $1.74 ea…normally $5.99 in my area.

    Sorry for the long post…but I was excited about the deals that I did get, and I figured you would be excited for me too! Tee hee!

  5.» Blog Archive » The journey is your reward + rite aid update.

    […] actually.  So if you tune in to my Adventures in Couponing posts on Sundays, and you were here yesterday, you know that I was going to give Rite Aid another chance.  I mean how could I not? – free […]

  6. Jill

    LOL! Loving the whole post . . . 😀

  7. Sonda T

    my god you are the queen! Our target has no cmas left…at all…no clearance no nothing. But it’s a NEW store and they dont keep things around too long. i gotta check the other store by us and see if they have anything that’s still on clearance. i need some stuff for next year. 🙂 Thanks for always posting your coupon-ing. great that you are donating some of that to your church food closet! We are just getting ours started again here and it will need to be stocked up…so i will be watching your posts carefully. 🙂

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