Start each day like it’s your Birthday.

Posted by Michelle on October 5th, 2011 . Filed under: Birthday, Personal .


Don’t you love that inspiration?  I’m not a Pinterest girl.  But I needed to find a quickie piece of art to use here today, so I stole this from Pinterest.  Yes, stole.  No one gave me the Pinterest invite so I don’t have to follow the rules and link and all that blah blah.  Moving on.  Wouldn’t you like to live and start each day like it’s your birthday?  I would.  At least today.  Because it kind of is.  My birthday, that is.  And I have nothing crafty to share with you.  And I’m typing this because I felt like I should have something posted on the ol’ blog today even though we are on our road trip up to Calgary to see one of my besties and her family.

So, if you’ve made it this far, congrats – and thank you.  And I’m gonna do a little giveaway right here.  Not the kind that you have to do 40 things and repost and tweet and follow and subscribe and all those shenanigans.  I don’t want people to stick around because they have to.  I want people coming by and hangin’ with me because they like to.  So.  Just post a comment.  Actually, chat with me.  Tell me somethin’ – if you could go back to another year in your life, what year would it be?…and why.  Be chatty.  I like to read.  Short, fun things, not like novels or anything – ha.

I’ll tell you what year I’d like to go back to.  1985.  Sophomore year of high school.  I was boy crazy.  Had crushes on the quarterback of the football team, and this quiet, cute, brainy boy named Mark, and a hunka-hunka boy that I sat next to in Biology class named Sean, and….  I was cutting school and hanging out at McDonald’s with my friends.  Eating all the World’s Finest chocolate bars that I was supposed to be selling for choir.  Listening to Debbie Gibson and Tiffany.  Those were the days.

What’s the prize?  Don’t rightly know right now.  Maybe I’ll pick up some candy in Canada.  And maybe I’ll throw in something crafty too.  And maybe some bags from my shoppe.  And maybe you’ll win.  And if you don’t win, wake up tomorrow and the next day and start each day like it’s your birthday – and you’ll have already won 😉


16 Responses to Start each day like it’s your Birthday.

  1. lisa, too!

    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Michelle! Hope it’s wonderful. You are… and everything you make is… so why shouldn’t it be? Have a fantastic day with your bestie. Have a safe trip and enjoy yourself. Lasting memories is an excellent gift to yourself.

  2. Lara Carson

    Great post! I am struggling right now with deciding to take a job or not. It is in a different state and would involve moving my family. It is a career move for me. Not much more $$, but something I REALLY want to do, and I have a good job here, it is just so hard to decide. I have to tell the facility today if I will take it. It is complicated. Sure you really needed to read this, but it is a big inner struggle. Hope you have a great day.

  3. lisa, too!

    omgosh! i forgot to do the chat in question! wholly smokes! um… if i had to do a year all over again, it would probably be THIS past year. sure. there are things i’d love to re-do or not… but i there is not one WHOLE year that i’d really like to relive. moments, of course, but not the whole year. but… i’d re-do some of the stuff from this last year, as it wouldn’t affect who my kids are and my life right now, i just totally would’ve been able to get more done.

    my best year? i’m still thinking on that!

    @ lara… i sure hope you don’t let that inner struggle totally stress you out. i’m sure you will love the outcome, no matter what you choose to do. as michelle said… “start every day like it’s your birthday.” in my world… birthday days are “no regret-type” days! enjoy them!

    (hope this wasn’t the novel you didn’t want to read… lol!)

  4. Nancy L.

    Happy Birthday Michelle!!! I really don’t know what year I would love to go back! I have 2 kids, five and a half years apart. I think I would love to go back in time to when they were about 6 months!!! That would be fun to do 🙂
    Love the idea of starting each day, like its your birthday!!!

  5. Meghan

    Happy Birthday Michelle! I just started following your blog and am enjoying your fresh, fun style! If I could I would go back to around this time 22 years ago just before my son was born. He was such a sunny, happy baby and is now an independent young man! Wow, time has flown! Hope you’re having fun up here in Canada!

  6. JULI C

    Happy Birthday Michelle!
    Have a wonderful day =) Have you been to Calgary before? A must go to place is the Calgary Zoo. We took the kids there a few summers ago and it was huge…. like almost a full day of fun… ( walking fun ) .. hehe

    I totally want to start everyday like its my birthday cuz things are getting to be routine around here =P ….

    If i had to do one year over.. probably 2007. My daughters first year of life and my second pregnancy. ( i’d space them apart a bit more than 1 year)

    Anyways, enough about me. Enjoy your day =)

  7. KatieJ

    Happy Birthday! I think 1996 would be a fun year to go back to, for a day anyways! I was a jr, head-over-heals, love-is-blind in love with my new boyfriend, going out to lunch with my girl friends every day, working part time at Hogi Yogi with some great people after school, driving around at night with the windows down and the radio loud, oh and I miss getting together with my girls each wednesday night for 90210 night!

  8. Lillian Child

    Well Happy Birthday!!! May your day be filled with family, friends, fun … and CAKE!!!!

  9. Lillian Child

    And your comment about being chatty? Reminded me of my FAVORITE doll growing up back in the 1950’s. She was called Chatty Cathy and you pulled a string in the back of her head and she would spout of 6 word sentences. Really state of the art way back then. Wish I still had her today, but my little sister took her over and then she was passed down to my littlest sister, who promptly tore her apart – ugh!

  10. LorraineN

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GIRLFRIEND!!! (Sorry, your card is probably still in transit.) Hope you have a great day and the best year yet! Loved reading about going back to highschool – LOL! Hmm…not sure I’d want to do highschool over – yeesh. Probably college time – the “old enough” time, too much partying (wonder how I’m still alive) times, the time you cried too much over loves lost that weren’t worth spit – wish I could have those days back to relive again/redo – w/ a new outlook. That would be a blast. LOL. sorry about the novel…

  11. Amy

    I’m not sure that I would go back a year – so far 25 has been pretty good to me and I’m enjoying the few months of it that are left.

  12. Babe O'Mara

    Happy Birthday. What a great trip. Are you seeing any color in the trees up there? I love Fall. Apples and hay rides. You probably don’t remember dunking for apples, do you? We did it and never even got sick. I’d like to go back to the days when I was married and the kids were young 1968 was a good year. My kids were 4 and 5 years old. Oh what memories. Oh, well.


  13. Michele aka Derbylea

    Hmmmm what year would I go back too? I think 1993. My junior year of college- the first away from home, the year I met my husband, and the year I finally got rid of the scared bullied girl I was in high school and became the person I knew I could be. It was a really good year- filled with amazing happiness. So hey, Happy Birthday to you Michelle! You already know I enjoy your blog, especially your coupon shenanigans! Enjoy Canada! (I’ve always wanted to go, but I am not even sure how to get a passport.)

  14. Ashley N Newell

    Happy happy birthday, Michelle! I hope you’re having a great trip. If you need an invite to Pinterest, let me know.

    I really can’t say I’d go back in the past. Maybe to when Brady was a baby so I could enjoy it a bit more. Things have been a struggle for a really long time and I just keep looking forward.

  15. Jessie McLaughlin

    Happy Belated Birthday Michelle! I so enjoy reading your blog! You just make me smile! I really am not sure where I would like to go back to in the past. Maybe just far back to spend more time with my Mom. I hope you had a wonderful Birthday! Have a great weekend!

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