Christmas Recap.

Posted by Michelle on December 26th, 2009 . Filed under: Uncategorized .
I’m back with a lil’ recap of our Christmas for those that are interested.

On Christmas Eve we went to 4 o’clock mass (church service) where my son was a donkey and my daughter was a sheep. No pictures because I brought the camera to the living room from my computer desk to take with us…and there it stayed. That’s OK – the real entertainment was in the pews anyway. This lady was using coats to save an entire row, another lady called her on it and moved the coats and sat there with her family. Coat-saving lady got mad and stormed off and then was telling everyone about it. Taking-the-row-away lady sat there for about 10 minutes watching everyone look at her like she was some sort of evil villain so she stood up and yelled at the other lady and told her they could have their row back. It was pretty entertaining.

Then the priest was telling a great story about a girl whose mother was poor and at Christmas the mother took down the curtains and made the little girl a dress out of the curtains. That’s all I picked up of the story because there was a screaming 2-year old sitting right behind me. Screaming in my ear. Constantly. Screaming. The kind of screaming where you feel your inner ear thingy like shake. Finally when the story was over, they took the kid out. Good timing, thanks.

Here’s a picture of my kiddies on Christmas Eve. My tree and home look ghetto compared to all the lovely pictures I’ve seen out in blogland. We have a real tree though….it’s a Disney tree….and this year we let the kids decorate it. I think it was the right thing to do, but, it would have looked nicer had just the grown-ups decorated it; too much vacant space…and just like with cards, white space unnerves me – LOL
Christmas morning we had my rice pudding. It’s now called “mom’s rice pudding” and every time I hear the kids and my husband call it that I feel so…grown-up. I’m the mom in “mom’s rice pudding”. My husband got me mostly cardmaking things, and baking goodies from Crate & Barrel and Fancy Flours. I wanted these little spatulas so bad, and I’m glad he got them for me. They are one of those things that are really cute, but you can’t seem to bring yourself to spend the money on because it doesn’t feel right – but as a gift, I’m all for it *giggles*


My aunt and uncle came over for Christmas Day dinner – my husband made a prime rib. It was the best prime rib in the history of prime ribness ever – – my aunt even said so. We used this recipe from Sandra Lee. Here’s a picture of the prime rib in the salt crust when it first came out of the oven:
And here’s the prime rib resting after the shell has been hammered off it now ready to be devoured:

So there you have it – my little Christmas.
Hope your day was something special.

7 Responses to Christmas Recap.

  1. Pam Speidel

    Happy Holidays Michelle! I thoroughly enjoyed your post and it made me LOL hearing about the escapades at your church service. 🙂 That's so funny…well, not the screaming child, but the pew stealing lady! 😉 Your tree is beautiful and as a mother of grown children, let me assure you…you did the right thing in letting them decorate it!!! I wish I had been less particular about things when my children were growing up. Love your blog but rarely post comments because I'm scanning all my favs in a hurry. But, today we're snowed in and it feels good to spend time on some of my fav blogs…like yours! God bless you and your family this Christmas and throughout the New Year! Smiles, Pam 🙂

  2. Pam Speidel

    p.s. your children are just adorable and I love their smiles! 🙂 We had prime rib for Christmas dinner, but I like the sound of your recipe better and we'll have to try it next time.

  3. sarahmartina

    Girl this post has me cracking. up. I wish I could have been in mass with you to hear the story (aka to pass notes with you…lol!) I *LOVE* the pic of your kiddies and tree! I bet they had the best time decorating it. 🙂 I think you have such a wonderful gift of being a mom… I can tell you are awesome at it! And I sure wish I could have a piece of that prime rib right now… you've got my mouth watering! Glad your Christmas went so well! Enjoy the rest of the celebration! 🙂

  4. Charlene Austin

    LOL~~~great post.

  5. Rebecca

    I'm even hungrier for Prime Rib now! If I ever get really gutsy, I'll try the recipe. Most likely, I'll just wait until Valentine's though. I like the little spatulas you got. And I don't think your tree or house look ghetto. I haven't had a real tree in ages, and I do love how they look in pictures! Your kids look so excited in that picture. What a fun memory.

  6. Heather

    As a fellow Catholic, I'm sure those ladies are probably just the twice a year Catholics which makes the story so much funnier. I love that I go to a small church now – no Christmas crowds.
    The kids and the tree look great! I'm sure they were super proud of it.
    The prime rib looks absolutely delish!
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Heather P.

    🙂 Your stories always make me laugh… 🙂

    Your kids are SOOOO adorable! I *love* their huge smiles!!

    Ooooo, cupcake spatulas… So freakin' cute! I may have to get some, too… I totally heart cupcakes. 🙂

    Glad you had a great Christmas, and your tree does NOT look ghetto! Silly chica. 🙂

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