Adventures in Couponing.

Posted by Michelle on August 12th, 2012 . Filed under: Couponing .

So KMart is doubling coupons every day ’til the end of the year.  You have to spend $25 in groceries pre-coupons and then they will double 5 coupons.  That doesn’t work for me because that $25 spend is just too much to only then get to double 5 coupons.  However, Walmart is matching this.  And one Walmart in particular is matching it with spend $25 in groceries and then double unlimited.  Woop woop!  I have this giant jar of Dubble Bubble in my office and I was fresh out, so 5 bags of that put me at $14.40.  Then we needed garbage bags, and the kids each picked out a treat for helping, and we got to that $25 easily.  And then doubled everything after that with no hassle.

88-cent Bisquick, 78-cent cereals, and 98-cent Belvita breakfast bars.

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59-cent Fresh Takes (these make the most amazing hamburgers!), 58-cent dip, free Weight Watchers cream cheese, 72-cent butter, 28-cent chocolate cream cheese (I nuked this and put it on pancakes for the kids – yum!), and $1.48 packages of string cheese.

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52-cent lunches for my husband, and 27-cent breakfasts for him; and 93-cent Smucker’s Uncrustables.

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Free tuna, free spaghetti, $1 fruit snacks, $1.47 Lloyd’s tubs, $2.98 Lloyd’s ribs, and 98-cent peanut butter pretzels.

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17-cent body wash, 96-cent Garniers, 88-cent ant traps, $1.47 Finish tabs, free bath puffs, free Milky Ways, free soap, free fabric softener and free nail polishes.

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Walgreens had the blood sugar checker thingies for $9.99 and there was a $10 coupon in the paper.  I bought 2 to donate.  And picked up a 39-cent pencil box for my son for school, and 2 packs of $5 Uniball pens that were on sale, and I had coupons for, making them 24-cents each.

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The Walmart we went to this week was out in Nampa.  It was about a 25-minute drive from our house.  I don’t go to Nampa often but I would say that it’s a slower-paced kinda town.  Here’s a little sample of what I’m talkin’ about.  This was in a store parking lot.  Just somedays – LOL!

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4 Responses to Adventures in Couponing.

  1. Ryann Salamon

    Great haul (as per usual!). Our very last grocery store chain here (Vons) stopped doubling effective August 1st, so we’re not really couponing anymore. It’s all very sad 🙁 I will have to go back to couponing vicariously through you! 🙂

  2. Annawas

    You always seem to find the deals! I continue to be amazed! I don’t use too many coupons but I try when there is one on a product we use!

  3. LorraineN

    Wow, I’m still amazed at the deals you get. Stuff for free or less than a dollar cost me $3-5. Awesome haul!

  4. Michele aka Derbylea

    You got some awesome deals! The stores here dont double, thats CA for you. However I do take some coupons to the store now- you have been an influence! Sweet deal on the blood sugar checkers. When you are diabetic (I am) its great to have those things everywhere! The expensive part is the test strips. Thats where they get ya.

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