CAS bow cards.

Posted by Michelle on July 7th, 2014 . Filed under: Birthday, Cards, Design Team Work, Imaginisce, Paper Smooches .

Happy Monday!  I’m trying to put a happy face on what is becoming the longest, hottest, most miserable summer in the history of time.  I’m still off work after my knee surgery.  And I’m just gonna admit it here:  I’m in a lot of freakin’ pain.  More pain than I was in before the surgery.  Apparently “occasionally” when one already has arthritis in their knee, and they do surgery, it can make it worse.  Welcome to occasionally.  It’s pretty damn bad.  So yeah.  However.  Last week the Doc gave me a Cortisone injection and started me on electric shock treatment physical therapy.  So I’m hoping the light at the end of the tunnel is a-comin’.

On to my cards…  CAS – clean and simple.  This style of crafting is so not me.  But for some reason I felt like giving it a shot.  So here we go.  I had some scrap pieces of Imaginisce patterned papers (Welcome Spring & Little Princess).


And thought they’d be pretty to cut up and make paper bows out of.  I am on a serious paper bow kick lately.
You can find paper bow templates on Google and Pinterest.  I found one, printed it out, and then modified it a bit (I wanted blunt tails instead of rounded).  And now I just keep the pieces clipped together on my craft table for whenever the mood strikes – which is often.


Bow templates come with one little strip to finish off the middle, but I punched big circles to finish off my middles for a different, more bold and fun look.


They are just so dang adorable.  I love paper bows!!


And because the bows were so big and cute on their own, that’s when I thought they should be the super star of the card and let’s try to make a CAS card.  So here they are.







I made 2 more cards with these fun paper bows, not as CAS, but still a little CAS for me.  You’ll see ’em tomorrow.

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