7 GOALS FOR 2019 – WEEK 10 OF 52

Posted by Michelle on March 11th, 2019


Hey hey, I’m back today with an update on my goals for the year.

So let’s get right to it, shall we?


1 – Lose 100 pounds.


My weight was all over the place this week.  And I was * mostly * good.  Annoying.  I have been having trouble sleeping lately – one night I was up literally all night.  I was up 4 hours in the middle of the night another night.  And the rest of the week I was up a couple of hours after I went to sleep and was awake for another couple of hours.  Could this have something to do with it?  I dunno.  Also, I hurt my knee at the end of November and have been hobbling around on a cane since then while they tried a couple different injection medications + pain pills.  And I’ve noticed that when I get on the scale, because of the knee pain, I am not standing straight – I am wobbling.  Maybe that is contributing to the number perhaps not being correct?  I’m really not sure.  But I have a doctor appointment this week, so we’ll see what the scale shows there.  Either way, it’s March and I’ve got a shit ton of a ways to go if I am going to hit this goal.

Only 87.4 pounds to go!


2 – Read 4 books.


I was in need of a bookmark and was able to pick one up at church this week while I am still reading book #2 In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume.

1 down, 3 to go!


3 – Canning.



4 – Bake a pie from scratch.

See #3.


5 – Save $1000 cash.


With medical expenses and just booking a trip for next year that will need monthly payments made, this just isn’t going to happen.  I’m crossing it off the list and maybe if circumstances change we’ll revisit.  But no need feeling like a failure every week, KWIM?

Only $878 to go!


6 – Self-care.


Last week I shared my super cool new Vans and needing to return them because they hurt my feet.  I returned them, and used the money to buy some super nice wrapping paper.  Wrapping is my jam.  I love sitting and wrapping presents and being creative with a tag or a handmade bow.  And I like to use nice wrapping paper.  So I placed an order at Papyrus – and can’t wait for it to get here!  I watched – and finished – the latest season of the Great British Bake Off, and then powered through – and finished – the latest season of the Real Housewives of New Jersey.  Just chillin’ and not stressin’ is a good thing.  I like to cook, but don’t do it much because I work 6 days a week.  But decided that would be my day-off project: chicken pozole and Mexican jello.  The family was pleased with both …. and that pleased me.


7 – Do something with the blog.

Still here, being accountable, and keeping my goals top-of-mind.


I’ll catch you here next Monday with this week’s update.


7 GOALS FOR 2019 – WEEK 9 OF 52

Posted by Michelle on March 4th, 2019


Hey hey, I’m back today with an update on my goals for the year.

So let’s get right to it, shall we?


1 – Lose 100 pounds.

I did my weekly weigh-in and I’m not really sure the scale is correct.  I ate better this week than last week, but, however, I still ate a lot of junk.  I got off the scale, and then got back on, and it went even lower!  So, I guess I’m going with the first number, which means the number is moving, again – in the right direction.

Only 84.4 pounds to go!


2 – Read 4 books.

Read a little bit more – and really enjoying – book #2 In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume.

1 down, 3 to go!


3 – Canning.


Doing some more research and bookmarked these adorable jars for a really good price.


4 – Bake a pie from scratch.

Not yet …..


5 – Save $1000 cash.



With medical expenses and just booking a trip for next year that will need monthly payments made, this just isn’t going to happen.  I’m crossing it off the list and maybe if circumstances change we’ll revisit.  But no need feeling like a failure every week, KWIM?

Only $878 to go!


6 – Self-care.


I spent my one day off working on Easter cards, Christmas crafting, and enjoying the Frank Sinatra station on my Amazon Alexa.  I am new to Grey’s Anatomy, and started watching season one on Netflix late last year and I finished through season 14 this weekend.  Now I need to wait for the current season to come out, watch it, and then be current with season 16.  Because I was done with that, I started the most recent season of the Great British Bake Off.  I did my nails again too – 3 weeks running!  I bought myself some super cool new Vans – but had to return them because they were soooo uncomfortable.  And I took a Saturday afternoon nap with my pupper.  And last but not least, I indulged in a guilty pleasure: keeping up with the Kardashians and their latest cheating drama.


7 – Do something with the blog.

I am still here; blogging is keeping me on track to my goals.


I’ll catch you here next Monday with this week’s update.


7 GOALS FOR 2019 – WEEK 8 OF 52

Posted by Michelle on February 25th, 2019


Hey hey, I’m back today with an update on my goals for the year.

So let’s get right to it, shall we?


1 – Lose 100 pounds.



I’m giving myself a pass for the week.  I had surgery on Thursday, there was some stress eating prior to, and then while being off work I ate like an asshole.  Getting my act together is the name of the game this week.

Only 88.2 pounds to go!


2 – Read 4 books.

Not much reading this week, but still working on book #2 In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume.

1 down, 3 to go!


3 – Canning.

Nothing to report this week.


4 – Bake a pie from scratch.

This will happen. It will. But I need to get goal #1 moving before I can think about this again.


5 – Save $1000 cash.



With medical expenses and just booking a trip for next year that will need monthly payments made, this just isn’t going to happen.  I’m crossing it off the list and maybe if circumstances change we’ll revisit.  But no need feeling like a failure every week, KWIM?

Only $878 to go!


6 – Self-care.

Last Monday was a holiday, and after working 8 days straight, I needed it. I was so productive that day, and it. felt. good. My husband made me my favorite Cream of Wheat with chocolate chips for breakfast. And then we had a family clean-up-the-pantry party. I cleaned up my craftroom and wrapped birthday presents for my daughter. I wrote a letter to my aunt. I read the Pioneer Woman magazine. I took some care packages to a friend, and to my mother. We went out for family lunch, followed by a trip to the dollar store. I watched some Grey’s Anatomy, and then with the family we watched NCIS, and then just my husband and I watched This is Us. I was exhausted by the end of that day, but it felt so good to have a day off like that.
I also colored my hair, painted my nails this flashy blue color called Just Dance, and did a nice, milky mask.


7 – Do something with the blog.

Honestly, I almost didn’t show up today. I don’t know if anyone is here, but doing this keeps me accountable towards my goals. And not having much movement in the fat department, I wanted to not post. But I did it. And I’m motivated to keep on keepin’ on.


I’ll catch you here next Monday with this week’s update.


7 GOALS FOR 2019 – WEEK 7 OF 52

Posted by Michelle on February 18th, 2019


Hey hey, I’m back today with an update on my goals for the year.

So let’s get right to it, shall we?



1 – Lose 100 pounds.  



Last week I said I wanted to enjoy Valentine’s Day.  And I did:  the day before, the day of, and the day after.  No movement to report for the week.  However this week I’m having vocal cord surgery and I’m thinking that a few days of pudding and jello (I’ll be sure to get the low-cal/low-sugar stuff) might help the number move.

Only 88.2 pounds to go!


2 – Read 4 books.  

Still working on book #2 In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume.

1 down, 3 to go!


3 – Canning.  

Nothing to report this week.


4 – Bake a pie from scratch. 

I was planning to make a peppermint pudding pie with a chocolate crust for Valentine’s Day.  But my aunt works at a bakery and brought us over a bunch of sweets, plus we had one of those store-bought cheesecakes with all the different flavored slices.  So adding the pie would have been too much.  Maybe I’ll make it for Easter?  Or Fat Tuesday, maybe.  I’ve got all the supplies, just need the occasion to. 


5 – Save $1000 cash.  

No new savings to report.  Though I did find this cute little handmade bag that I picked up in Mexico years ago and I am using it to keep the cash in.

Only $878 to go!


6 – Self-care. 

I got annoyed with my hair and cut my bangs one morning before work.  It’s given me a completely new look and I kinda love it right now.  I had a lovely Valentine dinner with my fam + mother came over; gifts, dinner, desserts.  I painted my nails for the first time in 2+ years.  Because I work 6 days a week I haven’t been able to get to church as often as I’d like, so I started subscribing to the daily readings email and have been enjoying that at the start of my days.  I enjoyed my favorite unsweetened iced tea (with 5 Splenda) from Sonic on the way to work 3 times this week. 


7 – Do something with the blog. 

Hello, again ….


I’ll catch you here next Monday with this week’s update.


7 GOALS FOR 2019 – WEEK 6 OF 52

Posted by Michelle on February 11th, 2019


Hey hey, I’m back today with an update on my goals for the year.

So let’s get right to it, shall we?



1 – Lose 100 pounds.  



I was super snacky this week.  Maybe it was biological.  Or maybe I suck at willpower.  But the way I figure it, if I can get 8.2 pounds off between now and the end of the month, that’ll be 20 pounds total which = 10 per month.  That puts me ahead of where I need to be to hit my goal for the year.  I am not stopping though.  Can’t stop.  Won’t stop.  The goal for this week is to be on point – but still enjoy Valentine’s Day.

Only 88.2 pounds to go!


2 – Read 4 books.  

Still working on book #2 In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume.

1 down, 3 to go!


3 – Canning.  

One of my favorite bloggers is also a canner.  She has this great getting-started-with-canning tutorial, and I took notes from that.  She also has whacks of canning recipes and some of them do not call for garden harvest, like cinnamon anise jelly.  So I took notes (saved links) for those.  The cinnamon anise jelly looks easy enough to be a good starter but that seems like it would be out of season to make and give to someone now.  How long does a jar of canned jelly last?  I don’t know …  I should find that out.


4 – Bake a pie from scratch. 

I found a recipe for homemade chocolate crust to go with my peppermint pudding pie filling and I can’t wait to make this Wednesday night for Thursday – Valentine’s Day.


5 – Save $1000 cash.  

I lost my debit card (and found it 10 minutes after I had called the bank to cancel it and get a new one sent to me) and had to borrow from my cash to pay at the dollar store.  I had a return that I got cash back for, and then I was charged $12 more at the Fred Meyer grocery pick-up and got that refund in cash too.  So I paid myself back the Dollar Tree money and had some plus taking me to $122 saved.  When I set this particular goal, it was totally random.  No plan for the money in mind.  But then the husband found a deal + used some future cruise credits and booked us a spring break cruise to Mexico in 2020.  So, this $1000 may very well be spending money for that.

Only $878 to go!


6 – Self-care. 


Loofah.  Nair.  Wax.  Enjoying old-school jams on the way to and from work.  Trekking down to Trader Joe’s in a blizzard to pick up this umami seasoning because new things go out of stock quick there.  We also picked up some pancake bread (because of goal number one, I controlled myself to not even an entire slice).  I enjoyed my Frank Sinatra station on Alexa while finishing Valentine wrapping, crafting, and cards and then moved on to wrap 4 birthday presents for my daughter’s birthday.  In June.  I love to take my time wrapping so that gifts are beautiful, and doing things well in advance takes away stress.


7 – Do something with the blog. 

Rollin’ rollin’ rolllin’ ….


I’ll catch you here next Monday with this week’s update.