Teacher Valentines.

Posted by Michelle on February 11th, 2014 . Filed under: Crate Paper, Gift Packaging, Pink Paislee, School, Valentine's Day .

Now that my son is in middle school, he’s got a lot of teachers.  7 of them actually.  And while I have no issues or concerns with any of his teachers, I really like them all, there are a couple that I like more than the rest of them.  They seem to communicate with us more, and from what I hear from my son about his interaction with them, I can tell he likes them really well, enjoys them and their class, so naturally I like them a tad more as well.  Anyway.  We only bought him about 100 pencils at the beginning of the school year.  And by parent-teacher conferences 5 weeks later, both of these teachers told me that he never had pencils and always had to borrow from them.  Embarrassing.  But organization and preparation is not his strong suit, and I know this.  So for Valentine’s Day I got them some personalized pencils that say “return to” and their name on it.  They mentioned too that he borrowed pencils and didn’t always return them.  Ugh.  Ah well.  He’s a lot better now because one of them started making him turn in a shoe to borrow a pencil – LOL!

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I found some great Letterpress cards at Nordstrom for his World Civ teacher.  They had gold etching on the front about the 7 Wonders of the World or something like that.  Seemed like the perfect gift.

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For the rest of the teachers.

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And then for my daughter who is still in elementary school – the ol’ Dutch Bros. gift card for her teacher.  Dutch Bros. is a zillion times better than Starbucks.  They use half & half and it makes their drinks so much more creamy!

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1 Response to Teacher Valentines.

  1. AnnaWas

    Cute idea! Boys will be boys, won’t they! I also love that your boy hand wrote them! Happy Valentine’s Day!

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