Can you hear me getting fatter?

Posted by Michelle on March 26th, 2009 . Filed under: Uncategorized .
I am so disgusted with myself.
I had just gotten done bragging to my girls in my fat club (again, I’m a fat chick fightin’ the battle, so it’s OK for me to be blunt about fatness – heh), I was bragging about how good I’ve been on this trip. Sticking to my food regimen (low carb/high protein) and then there was Adelita’s. Ohhhh myyyy land-o-be! Adelita’s is Mexican food in Santa Fe – NOT New Mexican food. This food was SPOT-ON like Yaya used to make. I’d like to say it was a spiritual thing every bit as much as it was a disgusting indulgent display of weakness – haaa…. I ate sooo much…and then I had flan after that!! And then during American Idol – my God, Megan Joy has GOT to go – I had some rice krispie treats.

Anyhooo…..pre-overeating, the day was good. D and I dropped Rob and K off at some nature preserve to go geocaching {borrrring} while we went to some LSSs and the Albuquerque Hobby Lobby. I got some yummy new paper that I can’t wait to play with on Sunday. Sunday is laundry, cards, church, cards, race, cards….and probably some more cards – can’t wait!

It’s freeeezing here, and supposed to snow tonight so we were going to leave a day early. However, the family dinner in our honor could not be moved to last night, so, it’s tonight.

The week is almost over girls, thanks for stopping in.

7 Responses to Can you hear me getting fatter?

  1. MollyD

    I can’t hear it over the crying 22 month old I got! HAHA…. hurry home and make cards!

  2. Jaycie

    Don’t worry, everyone splurges on vacation! You’ll get back into the swing of things as soon as you’re home!

    Enjoy your family dinner! 🙂

  3. Jennifer

    It’s a vacation and you are suppose to be enjoying yourself. I know I splurged when we went to California. Have a safe trip home tomorrow. The pictures have been great by the way!

  4. Heather

    Don’t beat yourself up. Maybe that restaurant was a gift from Yaya. After all, you are visiting family and probably doing lots of reminiscing. Vacation’s only temporary. Once you get back to your regular schedule, you’ll be fine. Enjoy the rest of the trip! Sucks about the snow.

  5. Kerri

    Mmmmmm, Mexican! Love it! That sounds so good, but my hubby wants BBQ tonight, so I guess Mexican will have to wait : ) Enjoy you’re family dinner, and drive safely home! I’ve heard there is a lot of snow out your way ~ meanwhile we might reach 90 degrees here this weekend : ( I’m not ready for that kind of heat!

  6. Martha

    Mexican food! my favorite 😉

  7. JazzyH

    Don’t beat yourself up about it. Enjoy and tomorrow is another day.

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