Happy Weekend!

Posted by Michelle on May 24th, 2009 . Filed under: Uncategorized .

Don’t you just love holiday weekends where you get up and it’s Sunday but it’s really a Saturday because we’re off tomorrow too?
Oh yeah – LOVE THAT!!

Miss Marti over at Pez-A-Doodle is tryin’ to be like Kohl’s or Dillard’s or Macy’s or somethin’ and havin’ herself a lil’ Memorial Day sale. Tomorrow only almost everything in the store will be 25% off! Now her stuff is already a smokin’ deal so taking 25% off a smokin’ deal makes the prices dang hot – wooooooooooo!

And and and – there’s a new challenge over at the Studio G group on PCP – this time it’s a sketch challenge. You don’t have to use Studio G stamps but who ain’t got just one of those lil $1 babies hangin’ around? Here’s my take on the sketch which features Studio G Series 32 goodness and Glittered Skittles – both of which can be found at Pez-A-Doodle.

Enjoy your Sunday!!



Gettin’ to the blog-o a little late today – was up late last night coupon shopping and then working on things for Digiments and then out bright and early this morning because I found 12 more double coupons!!! and then I came home and parked-it at my craft table working on things for my design teams and on something pretty special to me.

I made the invitations for my daughter’s 5th birthday party!
I am so stinkin’ excited about these. I hate that the raspberry colors don’t reproduce well for me, but, these are so adorable. I will say up front – these are not cheaper than buying a pack of invites at the party store.

Here’s a lil’ cost breakdown for you:
(4) sheets of Basis Magenta cardstock from Paper Temptress = $1.32
(2) sheets of
Laser White Glossy Lustre cardstock from Paper Temptress = $1.68
2/3 of a sheet of
Silver Ore cardstock from Paper Temptress = $.50
1/3 of a pack of stickers from Zurchers (party store) = $.49
Spool of
Raspberry Fizz Swiss Dot Satin ribbon from Papertrey Ink = $3.00
1/3 of a spool of
Sheer White Polka Dot ribbon from Papertrey Ink = $1.00
Having your little girl beam with pride telling people that her mommy made her birthday party invitations: priceless.

Hope you are having a great Holiday weekend!
Thanks for stopping by today.

13 Responses to Happy Weekend!

  1. Brenda

    Great job!! You are brave!! I didn’t have time to make the invites for my dd party 2 weeks ago, I had to get them from Wal-Mart.

  2. shellpole

    Oh yes…..more than priceless when they tell everyone with such pride. I had the same when my grown 21 year old was heard boasting for her 21st invites! Something to cherish!

  3. Tenia Nelson

    These are awesome!!!

  4. Will Stamp For Food

    I always love making party invites for my dd. Now I do those things for my youngest niece but after her there won’t be any more little ones to create for. 🙁 These are so adorable. I just love Hannah.

  5. Cathleen

    Oh how cute, Love the invites, the olors and the ribbon are perfect!

  6. the PaperTemptress

    Absolutely ADORABLE! A 5 year old daughter is also priceless, you know how I LOVE children! I would LOVE to meet her sometime.

    the PaperTemptress

  7. Chris Pethers

    lovely card.
    I know I’m over the moon if my daughter even likes a card I’ve made for her . So you must be so very very pleased. Watch out coz boy do they grow up quick these days.

  8. Leigh Ann Baird

    My 8yo is Hannah Montana crazy! She skipped having a party this year so she could get more stuff, but I did take her to see the Hannah Montana movie as part of her birthday package. I didn’t even think of making her a Hannah card–shame on me! Have a great weekend!

  9. Megan

    I love your cards here! Your Hannah Montana card is GREAT! What a fun project for a little girl.

    Did you make it to the Verve release party? I was so sad to miss it, but I had a look at the new stamps.

  10. Heather

    They may be more expensive, but they’re worth every penny. I tried to imagine what they’d look like when you told me you were making the invites, but these are way cuter than I could’ve imagined. K is a luck girl!

  11. Sassy Scrapin'

    OH my gosh these are stinkin adorable!!!! I can see everyone of the little girls keeping this card! your a super MOM!

  12. Rebecca

    Oh, I’m not going to let my daughter sneak a peak at those invitations….don’t want her to get any ideas for putting a request in 😉 I hope you are enjoying your lllooonnngggg weekend!

  13. Kerri

    OH, Michelle! Those are awesome!!! I just love that your daughter enjoys your hobby so much! Too sweet : ) The first card is so pretty too! I love the layout and the tag!

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