I ♥ Papertrey

Posted by Michelle on June 23rd, 2009 . Filed under: Uncategorized .
So yesterday turned out to be a miserable day. I was having some issues before I went to the office, got there, and decided I couldn’t stay – stomach flu kinda stuff (I’ll spare you the details). So I came home and ate saltines all day. My son doesn’t like salt on saltines so we get the unsalted tops. Now I don’t ever eat saltines, but now that I had to I have to say unsalted saltines = 2 thumbs down. There is a reason the word salt is in saltines – – and it needs to stay there. I was up at 3am this morning worse off than yesterday, and I have a retreat at my boss’ house today…ugh.
The only good thing about my day was that I was home when that hunky guy with the brown truck wearin’ the brown shorts came-a-knockin’. My Papertrey order is here *happy dance* Scarlet Jewel – LUSCIOUS. Cupcake Collection – ADORABLE. I wanted to combine both and was a little worried because fun and regal together I wasn’t sure I could pull off. So I went the vintage route – and I am tickled to bits by how this card turned out. What’s more is that Ocean Tides is low on my list of fave PTI colors – but it goes so well with Scarlet Jewel.

Thanks for stopping in today.
Hope you have a great day!

8 Responses to I ♥ Papertrey

  1. Leigh Ann Baird

    This turned out great Michelle! I hope you feel better soon. I can't stand to eat a saltine or drink ginger ale since I spent the first 20 weeeks of both my pregnancies consuming them in the hope they would actually work on the sickness.

    I always hated when the boss wanted to entertain the department and I had to go. I didn't like her much either. LOL

  2. Rebecca

    This really did turn out fabulous! Those colors work great together. And I LOVE the cupcake…..someday, someday! Sorry you're feeling icky, I hope it goes away. And yes, unsalted Saltines should not exist. I want to see Scarlet Jewel cards everyday until your vacation 😉

  3. Kerri

    OOH, I love this! These colors are great together, and you definitely pulled off the fun mixed with elegance : ) I hope you're feeling better!

  4. Heather

    That's a perfect saying for your vintage card. Plus, I love cupcakes, even if I can't eat it. ;P
    Missing FF. 🙁
    Feel better soon.

  5. Megan

    This is a darling card! This might be my favorite of yours yet! Soooo cute. 🙂

  6. laos348

    This card came out great! Now see, I didn't get this set and now you are going to make me want it!

    Hope you feel better soon.

  7. Sassy Scrapin'

    This is really adorable! I am just loving those colors together too! Adorable!

  8. shellpole

    This is a beauty Michelle…Love the lace

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