Join me for a drink?

Posted by Michelle on February 20th, 2010 . Filed under: Uncategorized .

(second post for today – there’s a lil’ card down below)

I’m crazy – I’ll admit it.
So most of you know that I am a coupon fiend. Well the Albertsons grocery store ad on Wednesday said that on Saturday, Feb. 20th you could get a FREE 2-liter of diet Dr. Pepper (diet only – in regular diet or cherry) and no purchase necessary. So having my friend here gives me an extra body to score a 2-liter. So I researched all the Albertsons in my area and their hours – they all opened at 6am this morning. So we set the alarm for 5am, woke the kidlets up, piled in to the truck and headed out to the farthest Albertsons and got there at about 5 minutes to 6. We got in there, each of us got our 2-liter and off we were to the next Albertsons….repeat….that’s (6) 2-liters so far.

Then there was 3rd Albertsons. We got there about 6:20ish. And as we’re walking up to the store, we see these 2 girls coming out with 2 carts full of Dr. Pepper 2-liters. I’m thinking they work there and they are setting up an outside display or something…until they tell me: go in there, Dr. Pepper is free, you only have to pay tax. I’m like – they let you get all that?? They’re like yeah, go get you some! My husband and friend didn’t think they’d let us get that many – but I’m all for trying. So I filled up my cart with (25) 2-liters…in both regular and diet – LOL And the lady rings them up, scans the coupon 25 times and I’m golden. I call my husband and friend and tell them to come in and load up – and they do: 18 for my friend and 24 for my husband.

Add it up: (73) 2-liters of Dr. Pepper – regular, diet, cherry, diet cherry.
Total out of pocket was 6-cents tax each = $4.38.


I’m off to have a nice tall glass of diet Dr. Pepper on ice – ahhhh.

10 Responses to Join me for a drink?

  1. Dawn Easton

    rofl! That's quite the promo!! Great score!

  2. Dawn Easton

    Oh and I'm jealous…you have NO snow!!!

  3. Scrolls Work Rubber Stamps

    I'm in Emmett ID. I would go to the store and get some but I have a funny feeling you may have bought them out lol. Well if I drank soda I would that is. What a great buy though!

  4. sarahmartina

    That is SO not fair right now!!! I'd give up my patterned paper collection for that much Dr. Pepper!!! I'm an addict. 🙁 Ridonculous! But HOW FUN!!!!

  5. Heather P.

    LOL, that's just INSANE! 🙂

  6. Julie

    WHOA…I saw you talk about this on twitter and had to check it out! Seriously woman…that's a LOT of dr. pepper! LOL! 🙂 ENJOY!

  7. Rebecca

    That is just crazy!!!! I can't believe your stock-pile of DP! I'm going there when the earthquake hits here and I'm all out of soda. So funny. Glad you had a productive day 😉 I can't believe your kids went along with you at 5 in the morning to get free pop!

  8. ~kelly marie~

    Oh my goodness! That is crazy! I love Dr. Pepper! Best soda ever :).

  9. Morgaine

    omgosh! I wish we had an Albertson's near us to do that. If you get sick of Dr. Pepper, feel free to send it my way. 🙂

  10. Heather

    As the friend who went along on this escapade, I can say it was quite the adventure. I wish I could've brought some home w/me.

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