Loyal friend.

Posted by Michelle on June 22nd, 2010 . Filed under: Uncategorized .

I’m not a pet person. Just not. Didn’t really have pets growing up – well, my brother and I got puppies once, but they ran away…sorta (long story)….but anyway, just not a pet person at all. Never really had ’em and don’t now. So I hesitated getting the Max & Whiskers paper and embellie collection from BasicGrey. Then I figured there would be a magazine call wanting cards with animals/pets or for kids and that I should get it. I do like the colors. And I do think it’s cute. I just don’t feel it – if you KWIM. And….we got new neighbors right behind us that have dogs…sounds like 20 little Chihuahuas because they are yipping all the time…so that’s not helping.

Anywayz….another taggie…thinking kid-to-kid on this one when we get invited to birthday parties.


Have a great day, my friends!

7 Responses to Loyal friend.

  1. dannisdoodles

    love, love all the tags you've been creating sweet michelle. you certainly made this amazing tag "feel" furry & lovable♥

  2. Sassy Scrapin'

    Well, you may not have pets, but you did super on the tag! I love it! 😉 Super cute!

  3. Kerri

    This is really cute! I almost didn't get the paper either but there are some perfect boy colors/patterns in there:) We do have a little yorkie, but when she passes away, I don't know if we'll get any more pets. Of course by then the kids will be begging for another puppy, so you never know…

  4. Jill

    Aw, I love it! I don't have this paper yet, but sure could put it to good use. A kid will love to get this tag on a gift!

  5. Heather

    It IS super cute – even if you're not into animals. Great job!

  6. Brenda Weaver

    I hear you on the pets thing. I'm so not an animal person either, but caved on getting a cat when our daughter who loves animals was just a toddler. The kitten was SO cute at the time. Now I secretly wish he would run away! Hee!
    I love the way you think about buying the pet supplies though. I have some pet related stuff too. haven't used it yet.
    Love your tag. The animals are cute.

  7. Rebecca

    I don't have or love pets, either. Too many allergies. But, you are right. This can make a fabulous tag for some kiddos birthday. And the colors on it are awesome!

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