Christmas gift tags for the kids.

Posted by Michelle on December 1st, 2013 . Filed under: Christmas, Echo Park Paper, Paper Smooches, Tags .


I can’t believe the movie Elf came out in 2003.  We first watched it about 2 years ago.  We were however, instantly smitten.  I wasn’t really hip to this whole Will Ferrell business, but when I saw this movie, oh man, he was brilliant.  This is a little clip from one of our favorite bits of the movie.

The four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corn, syrup – LOL
Anywhozzle, so when Kelly Purkey created and sold this stamp last year, I had to buy it to make something for the kids with it.
So here today are some super simple Christmas gift tags that I’ll be using for their gifts.  I cut up the journaling spots from some Echo Park patterned paper, stamped a little, added stickers to some, punched a hole, threaded some shimmery ribbon, and we’re done.

041 copy

040 copy

034 copy

023 copy

021 copy

017 copy

011 copy

2 Responses to Christmas gift tags for the kids.

  1. Michele aka Derbylea

    Oh these are so cute! Nicely done!

  2. Dana

    I was pretty late to the whole Elf craze myself. We only watched it for the first time in 2011, and although I was not into Will Ferrell originally, I ADORE Zooey Daschanel, so it was a pleasant surprise. Your tags are awesome!

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