(Rob’s) Adventures in couponing.

Posted by Michelle on September 5th, 2010 . Filed under: Uncategorized .
It’s another Sunday!
– which means I’ve got another coupon post for y’all.

I’m not sure that I have my husband hooked yet, but he’s been scoring some impressive deals out there. There are tons of Right Guard coupons out right now and I just keep printing them and sending him on his merry way.
All this stuff right here – most of it was free.


By the numbers:
(16) bottles of Ken’s dressing
(14) Right Guard deodorants
(6) Kid’s Cuisine TV dinners
(6) packages of Ball Park franks
(4) 30-count packs of Guerrero corn tortillas
(4) 48 oz. bottles of Wesson canola oil
(3) big bags of Doritos
(3) bags of Quakes
(2) Tucks pads (hey – they were free – LOL!)

Actual retail price: $206.82.
Rob paid $20.96.
That’s a 90% savings!
Not bad for a rookie, eh?!

And here’s the fun stuff: the Ball Park franks were on sale for $1.99 each and I had $2 off coupons making them free. The Doritos were free when you bought 2 packs of the hot dogs – LOL So 6 packs of Ball Park franks and 3 bags of Doritos = FREE. The Right Guards were all free as they were on sale for $1 and I had $1.50 and $2 off coupons. So yeah – 14 deodorants…free. The tortillas and the Quakes were on sale for $1 and I had $1 off coupons; yup, more free. The Tucks pads – still laughing that we have these – were $2.74 and I had $3 off coupons….they paid us 26-cents to take those. And the Ken’s dressings. $3.99 regular price? Really? Crazy. They were on sale for $1.25 and I had $1 off coupons, so those were all 25-cents each.

So there ya’ have it. All that on the free/cheap – and no doublers required! That means any of you girls can do this!

Have a great day!

4 Responses to (Rob’s) Adventures in couponing.

  1. Ashley Nguyen Newell

    I need to learn how to coupon! I need classes or something!

    For the Tuck's pads, they are GREAT after you have a baby and are sore, you know… Anyhow, if you have any baby showers coming up or are visiting people who just had babies, that would be a gift you could give. Granted, it's not the CUTEST gift but it's darn useful!

  2. Heather

    If it's free it for me!…or you, or Rob. LOL He's definitely right behind you w/the couponing – keep printing those coupons for him.

  3. Rebecca

    Hey, even if he's not totally convinced yet, he's helping you build a healthy stash anyway 😉

    Free doritos! That is a happy day indeed!

  4. Sassy Scrapin'

    WOW! Rob is getting this thing, I think you should travel the country teaching people like me to do this! You two are the bomb at it!

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